Tree Risk Assessment

Ascher Tree Consulting (ATC) uses up-to-date research and on the ground experience to effectively evaluate tree risk in a variety of situations. While no tree can be considered 100 percent safe, after meeting with ATC clients will have a highly detailed report explaining how severe a risk a particular tree poses in the environment.

Construction mitigation

Urban trees are subject to countless stresses throughout their life. Home additions and construction can have detrimental consequences to unprotected trees. ATC is able to do onsite evaluations for areas with pending construction. Clients will have a detailed report outlining necessary steps needed to protect valuable trees within the landscape

Property consultation

Whether buying a new home, or simply wanting to gain a better understanding of all the trees in your landscape. ATC offers a full range of consultation services aimed at providing the client with a better understanding of what maintenance costs might be associated with the trees on their property.